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Jacques Henri Varichon Galaxie chair - Béton Brut
Jacques Henri Varichon Galaxie chair Jacques Henri Varichon Galaxie chair Jacques Henri Varichon Galaxie chair Jacques Henri Varichon Galaxie chair Jacques Henri Varichon Galaxie chair Jacques Henri Varichon Galaxie chair Jacques Henri Varichon Galaxie chair Jacques Henri Varichon Galaxie chair Jacques Henri Varichon Galaxie chair Jacques Henri Varichon Galaxie chair
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Jacques Henri Varichon Galaxie chair

Steiner, France, 1972

£6,500 + VAT

The Galaxie chair, otherwise known as the Zig-Zag chair, is an inimitable design by the French architect and designer Jacques-Henri Varichon (1945-2011). Exhibited in 1969, these chairs were described by their creator as being “auto-suspendue” – self-suspended – by tension wires. The frame components don’t touch or transfer load to one another, so the sitter is held as if in a spider’s web stretched between branches. The result is a unique, and unexpectedly comfortable, seating experience.

Very good vintage condition, minor pitting to metal. Few strands to metal wiring breaking.

H81 W118 D74 cm


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