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Jonathan de Pas, Donato D’Urbino and Paolo Lomazzi are a legendary band of Milanese architects and designers who began to collaborate on iconic and unconventional designs in the 1960s. They embraced the pop spirit of their age, incorporating the best in Italian design and rejecting the stark functionality of the international style. This wonderful multifunctional chaise lounge is made up of squishy wedges that can be reordered to make a daybed. It proclaims the design philosophy of its makers in its playful simplicity and the prioritisation of comfort and fun. It has been recently reupholstered in a gorgeous new fabric: duke mohair, moutarde by Pierre Frey.
Gramigna, Repertorio del design italiano 1950-2000 per l’arredamento domestico, Allemandi, Torino, 2003, p. 143
M.C. Tommasini, M. Pancera, Il design italiano: protagonisti, opere, scuole, Mondadori, Milano 1992, p. 66
W90 H60 D85 cm
This piece is currently on display at Paul Smith, Mayfair. All enquires to interiors@paulsmith.co.uk
Not available for hire.